
For Author's

The Gujarat Agricultural Universities Research Journal is published half yearly. The following types of material are considered for publication on meeting the style and requirements of the journal.

  1. ARTICLES ON ORIGINAL RESEARCH COMPLETED, not exceeding 4 000 words (up to 15 typed ages, including references, tables, etc) should be exclusive for the journal. They should present a connected picture of the investigation and should not be split into parts. Complete information of Ph D thesis should preferably be given in 1 article.
  2. SHORT RESEARCH NOTES, not more than 1 300 words (total 5 typed pages), which deal with (i) research results that are complete but do not warrant comprehensive treatment, (ii) descriptions of new material or improved techniques or equipment, with supporting data, and (Hi) a part of thesis or study. Such notes require no headed sections.
  3. CRITICAL RESEARCH REVIEW ARTICLES, showing lacunae in research and suggesting possible lines of future work. These are mostly invited from eminent scientists.
  4. The research article or note submitted for publication should have a direct bearing on agricultural production or open up new grounds for productive research. Articles on agricultural engineering, agricultural economics and Home Science are also considered. Basic type of articles and notes relating to investigation in a narrow specialized branch of a discipline may not form an appropriate material for this journal, nor do the articles of theoretical nature, or those of local importance, repetitive, based on old data, with no positive significance, or on extension education.
  5. Author should note: (a) period (years) of conducting the experiment must be indicated, (b) article should preferably be submitted soon after completion of experiment, (c) articles on genetics and plant breeding and on plant crops should be based on data of minimum 2 years, (d) contribution involving a former or present student must clarify that it is not based/based on complete M Sc thesis, or complete or a part of the Ph.D. thesis, indicating its year of submission and (e) Article Certificate must be signed by all the authors and must contain subscription numbers of authors
  6. TITLE should be short, specific and informative. It should be phrased to identify the content of the article and include the nature of the study and the technical approach, essential for key-word indexing and information retrieval.
  7. A SHORT TITLE not exceeding 35 letters should also be provided for running headlines.
  8. BY-LINE should contain, in addition to the names and initials of the authors, the place (organization) where research was conducted. Change of address should be given as a footnote and correspondence address separately.

ABSTRACT, written in complete sentences, should not have more than 150 words. It should contain a very brief account of the materials, methods, results, discussion and conclusion, so that the reader need not refer to the article except for details. It should not have references to literature, illustrations and tables.

  1. INTRODUCTION part should be brief and limited to the statement of the problem or the aim and scope of the experiment. The review of recent literature should be pertinent to the problem. Key words of the article should be given in the beginning.
  2. Relevant details should be given of the MATERIALS AND METHODS including experimental design and the techniques used. Where the methods are well known, citation of the standard work in sufficient. Mean results with the relevant standard errors should be presented rather than detailed data. The statistical methods used should be clearly indicated.
  3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION should be combined, to avoid repetition.
  4. The results should be supported by brief but adequate tables or graphic or pictorial materials whereever necessary. Self-explanatory tables should be typed on separate sheets, with appropriate titles.
  5. The tables should fit in the normal lay-out of the page. All weights and measurement must be in SI (metric) unit. Tables and illustrations (up to 20% of text) should not reproduce the same data.
  6. The discussion should relate to the limitations or advantages of the author's experiment in comparison with the work of others. All recent relevant literature should be discussed critically.
  7. Line-drawings should be clearly drawn (8.5 or 17 cm width) in black waterproof ink on smooth, tough paper. Minor points of style should be noted carefully. Photographs should be large, unmounted, glossy prints of good quality. They should be clear and relevant to the subject. Colour photographs may be sent for better identification or differentiation of different parts of the object. Line-drawings and photographs should have legends (typed). Original artwork should accompany 2 copies. Repetition in graphic and tabular matter should be avoided.

For citing REFERENCES a recent issue of the journal should be consulted, ensuring that the names and dates in the text and at the end correspond. Each citation should have the names of the authors, initials, year of publication, full title of the article, name of the journal (without abbreviation), volume, preferably the issue (within parentheses), and complete page-range (not merely the first page). Complete name of publisher and place of publication of books should be given. For proceedings or other publications complete details should be given

All articles are sent to referees for secutiny, and authors should meet criticism by improving the article, indicating the modifications made (in separate sheet, 2 copies).

Articles should be TYPEWRITTEN, and double spaced throughout (including by-line, abstract, references and tables) on white, durable A-4 size paper, with a 4 cm margin at the top, bottom and left. Articles should be sent in duplicate after checking typographical errors.